Milan, 14 April 2010 – Pirelli presented the Pirelli Foundation and opened its Historic Archives, the “heart” of the foundation, to the city of Milan. The presentation took place today in the presence of Pirelli Chairman Marco Tronchetti Provera; Pirelli Deputy Chairman Alberto Pirelli; Honorary Chairwoman of the Foundation Cecilia Pirelli; and Foundation Director Antonio Calabrò. The… Read More →
Announcing two new sleek and stylish devices: Nokia C5 and Nokia X5 Beijing, China – Nokia today strengthens its TD-SCDMA portfolio announcing two new devices: the Nokia X5 and the Nokia C5 for TD-SCDMA. Customized for China Mobile – the world’s leading operator – these two new TD-SCDMA devices which include the first joint mobile application store,… Read More →
Oggi Google dedica il proprio logo ad un evento di interesse mondiale ormai giunto alla sua 40esima edizione. Per l’occasione il doodle del famoso motore di ricerca è disegnato dall’intreccio dei rami di una foresta, completamente verde come il colore della natura, dell’ecologia e della sostenibilità.
Tumori, si celebra oggi la Giornata mondiale Uno stile di vita sano, un’alimentazione corretta, attività fisica regolare, niente fumo né alcool. Pochi semplici gesti, ma che possono aiutare a prevenire il cancro. Si celebra oggi la Giornata Mondiale contro i tumori. In quest’occasione, l’Unione internazionale contro il cancro (Uicc) ha lanciato una campagna informativa volta a mettere… Read More →
Italian travel, wine, food, fashion and luxury goods issues are featured on the new website that introduces the European country to the Chinese public. Shanghai, 04/12/2010 – It’s online, the first website about Italy in Chinese simplified language, dedicated to introduce to the Chinese people the very best that the European country has to offer in… Read More →
A survey of UK voters taken this week by British T-Shirt printing company 1ClickPrint has revealed that over 45% of the British public would rather see the Queen returned to power than any of the current political parties. April 19, 2010 (FPRC) — Sheffield, UK – A survey of UK taken this week voters by British T-Shirt… Read More →
Hawaiian jewelry manufacturer introduces its new Hawaiian quilt jewelry line using Hawaiian quilt designs originating in 1800’s Hawaii. April 13, 2010 (FPRC) — Hawaiian jewelry manufacturer and online retailer, Designs N Gold, introduced today their new Hawaiian quilt jewelry line using Hawaiian quilt designs created by Hawaiian women in the 1800’s. These new Hawaiian quilt jewelry designs… Read More →
Arriving early May 2010 on the Goldgenie website and selected high-street stores, these wireless mouse devices will add some style to your computer needs. Sarà presto possibile acquistare sul sito di Goldgenie questo lussuosissimo mouse a forma di Porsche e ricoperto da preziosi Swarovski che regalerà un tocco di lusso al vostro computer. Impossibile perderlo!
Come gestire l’emergenza creata nel trasporto aereo dal blocco aereo dovuto alla nube di cenere vulcanica che sta passando sull’Italia a causa dell’eruzione del Vulcano Eyjafjöll. A chiarire diritti e doveri del vari soggetti coinvolti è Assotravel, aderente a Confindustria, che in una nota spiega che al momento le previsioni “parlano di un possibile ritorno alla normalità… Read More →
Don’t you hate going through your day eating boring food that doesn’t taste like bacon? Cereal – doesn’t taste like bacon, sandwiches – Don’t Taste Like Bacon, salad – DOESN’T TASTE LIKE BACON. Now using a combination of magic and science, the world’s greatest minds bring you BACON SALT!!!!