All too often these days, we can’t even identify what we´re drinking. If you’re going to order one bourbon, one scotch, one beer a la George Thorogood, it’s probably best if you actually know what each drink actually is. So, with that noble goal in mind, here is your Whiskey Cheat Sheet: Whiskey was first made in Ireland by missionary… Read More →
Un ristorante di alta cucina ce lo aspetteremmo nelle grandi città, probabilmente in una zona centrale battuta molto per lo shopping. E invece non è detto, ha infatti aperto i battenti proprio di recente un ristorante di lusso all’interno di un carcere. Non è assolutamente uno scherzo eppure ammetto che abbastanza difficile credere ad una cosa del genere. Questo… Read More →
I found this article below about a 15 year old french fry that was sold on ebay for $10.50. Not much, I guess, but it’s kinda weird… Maybe I can get a little more for my 30 year old box of Jello. While we (sort of) understand why people pay a little more for a bottle of… Read More →