Founded in Florence in 1921, Gucci is one of the world’s leading luxury brands. The brand designs, manufactures and distributes highly desirable leather goods (handbags, small leather goods, and luggage), shoes, ready-to-wear, silks, watches and jewellery. Eyewear and fragrances are made and distributed under licence by global leaders in these two sectors. Gucci’s core values are unequalled craftsmanship, outstanding quality and “Made in Italy” (with the only exception of watches, which are produced in Switzerland).
2009 key figures
Brand established in 1921
€2,266 million of revenue in 2009
€618 million of recurring operating income in 2009
6,938 employees in 2009 (1)
283 directly-operated stores at the end of 2009
Gucci Group: N.V. is one of the world’s leading multi-brand luxury goods companies. Through the brands Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Bottega Veneta, Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, Boucheron, Sergio Rossi, Stella McCartney, the Group designs, produces and distributes high-quality personal luxury goods, including ready-to-wear, handbags, luggage, small leather goods, shoes, timepieces, jewellery, ties and scarves. Also, under license from global industry leaders, eyewear and fragrances, cosmetics and skincare products. The Group directly operates stores in major markets throughout the world and wholesales products through franchise stores, duty-free boutiques and leading department and specialty stores. Gucci Group is owned by PPR whose shares are traded on the Euronext Paris.
Elizabeth George: è nata a Warren (Ohio) e vive nello stato di Washington. La stampa ha detto di lei che «è la regina incontrastata del mystery» (Entertainment Weekly) e che, con la sua scrittura, «dimostra che i grandi scrittori di romanzi gialli sono anche grandi romanzieri» (New York Times). Nei suoi libri – tutti bestseller internazionali – ha dato prova di un indiscutibile talento, conferendo alla detective story classica una dimensione diversa e più complessa, che sonda l’inesauribile varietà dei sentimenti umani. E’ stata insignita dei prestigiosi Anthony Award, Agatha Award, Grand Prix de Littérature Policière e MIMI, riconoscimento tedesco dedicato ai gialli. Read all of Elizabeth George