O3 : The Product You Don’t Want To Have!

O3, a personal survival oxygen unit,  is designed to grow awareness of the potential natural disaster and the current environmental situation among mass people. The concept aims to provide sustainable oxygen support to mankind if a situation comes when artificial production and distribution of oxygen becomes a must to live in the massively polluted environment.


Tumori, si celebra oggi la Giornata mondiale Uno stile di vita sano, un’alimentazione corretta, attività fisica regolare, niente fumo né alcool. Pochi semplici gesti, ma che possono aiutare a prevenire il cancro. Si celebra oggi la Giornata Mondiale contro i tumori. In quest’occasione, l’Unione internazionale contro il cancro (Uicc) ha lanciato una campagna informativa volta a mettere… Read More →

Hit the festivals and raise funds for Fashion Against AIDS with H&M

The summer festival season is one of the most exciting times of the year, and now it’s one of the most giving, too! On 20th May 2010, H&M launches its third Fashion Against AIDS campaign, which includes the first festival collection, with 25% of the sales donated to youth HIV/AIDS awareness projects. Sold through the Divided youth… Read More →

Valentino per Haiti

Valentino durante la settimana della moda Milanese ha venduto una T-shirt di pizzo bianco di cui il 100% del ricavato andrà ai bambini di Haiti. Il costo è di 250 € e ogni vendita basta per supportare le spese mediche di un bambino menomato dal terremoto. Attualmente ci sono 20.000 bambini ad Haiti, con gli arti mancanti,… Read More →

Emergency Baloon saves your life

The cognitive balloon concept has been designed to ensure maximum safety for the swimmers that alerts the lifeguards about a swimmer’s danger. This concept aims to eliminate the difficulties of seashore lifeguards to spot a person in danger and their exact location, which is one of the key reasons of beach fatalities. Also, it eliminates the hassle… Read More →